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Please contact your system administrator." }, "400": { "code": "400 Bad Request", "message": "We can`t fulfill your request due to an error.", "description": "Check that you correctly entered your credentials and that they have not expired or been revoked." }, "401": { "code": "401 Unauthorized", "message": "We can`t verify that you are authorized to access this area.", "description": "Check your permissions in your account information." }, "403": { "code": "403 Forbidden", "message": "You don`t have sufficient permissions to access this resource.", "description": "Check for errors in the URL you entered or the link you clicked." }, "404": { "code": "404 Not Found", "message": "We can`t find that object.", "description": "Resolve the conflict and submit your request again." }, "500": { "code": "500 Internal Server Error", "message": "We`re working to fix an internal problem right now. Try again later." }, "502": { "code": "502 Bad Gateway", "message": "We`re not sure how to fulfill your request. Try again later." }, "503": { "code": "503 Service Unavailable", "message": "We`re temporarily overloaded or performing maintenance at this time. Try again later." }, "504": { "code": "504 Gateway Timeout", "message": "It`s taking quite a bit of time to fulfill your request, Try again later." } } } }, "app_views": { "system_overview": "System Overview", "overview_dashboard": "Top Overview Dashboard", "new_dashboard": "New Dashboard", "quick_analysis": "Quick", "detailed_analysis": "Detailed", "saved_reports": "Custom Reports", "user_preferences": "User Preferences" }, "buttons": { "close": "Close", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "edit": "Edit", "add": "Add", "delete": "Delete", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "ok": "Ok", "authenticate": "Authenticate", "authenticating": "Authenticating...", "previous_result": "Previous", "next_result": "Next", "search": "Search", "more": "more...", "all": "All", "select": "Select", "submit": "Submit", "read_understood": "Read and Understood" }, "country": { "united_kingdom": "United Kingdom", "brazil": "Brazil", "japan": "Japan" }, "shared": { "country_flag_selector": { "select": "Select a language" }, "third_party_authentication": { "client_id": "Client ID", "client_secret": "Client Secret", "client_help": "Create a Client ID and Client Secret in ", "server": "Server" }, "header": { "help": "Online Help", "apiHelpSwagger": "API Help: Swagger", "favorite": "Favorite", "user_settings": "User Settings", "sla_reports": "SLA Reports", "support_cases": "Support Cases", "other_help": "Other Help", "technical_support": "Contact Technical Support", "user_and_user_roles": "User and User Roles", "ldap": "LDAP", "saml": "SAML", "timezone": "Time Zone", "change_password": "Change Password", "configuration": "Configuration", "darkTheme": "Dusk Theme" }, "preferences": "Preferences", "user_preferences_settings": "User Preferences Settings", "userIdentitySettings": "User Identity Settings", "language_display": "Language Display:", "logout": "Logout", "userRoles": "Users and User Roles", "diskManagement": "Disk Management", "timeZoneSettings": "Time Zone Settings", "alertsConfig": "Alert Configuration", "accessConsent": "Access Consent", "accessConsentMessage": "Allow the Cisco TAC team to access your portal for troubleshooting purposes. The access will remain valid for one week, after which the portal access is removed for the Cisco TAC team.", "allowed": "Allowed", "notAllowed": "Not Allowed", "reporting_time_range": "Reporting Time Range Displayed (default)", "region": "Region", "country": "Country", "business_settings": "Business Settings", "identity": { "user": "User", "role": "Role" }, "remediation_status": { "header_ready": "Remediation Report is Ready", "header": "Remediation Report Status", "message": "It may take a while to create the report", "message_error": "An error occurred when retrieving the report status" }, "toast_widget": { "view_details": "View Details" } }, "tabs": { "view": "View", "search": "Search", "standart": "Standard", "rule_summary": "Rule Summary" }, "columns": { "sender": "Sender", "hostName": "Hostname", "recipient": "Recipient", "inQuarantines": "In Quarantines", "inOtherQuarantines": "Other Quarantines", "messageTracking": "Message Details", "originatingEsa": "Originating ESA", 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Click on the icon to sync your accounts.", "spamQuarantine": "Spam Quarantine", "otherQuarantine" : "Other Quarantine", "trackingSidebarList" : "Message Tracking" }, "common": { "ctrLoginHeader": "Login to use SecureX Ribbon", "ctrEditHeader": "Edit Client Credentials for SecureX Ribbon", "securexRibbonScopeInfo": "The following scopes are needed to have the complete functionality of the SecureX Ribbon: